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神之水滴『十一門徒 夕陽』的入門版 - Ferrer Bobet Vinyes Velles 2012 (RP:93) / 2014 (RP:94; JS:94) / 2015 (RP:92; JS:94) / 2016 (RP:94;JS:95)



Vintage 2015
Robert Parker: 92
James Suckling: 94
Hudin: 96
Decanter: 97

Vintage 2016
Robert Parker: 94
James Suckling: 95
Josh Raynolds: 95
Anuario Vinos El Pais: 96

莊位於西班牙加泰羅尼亞南面的Priorat,由兩位好朋友Sergi Ferrer-Selat和Raul Bobet共同創立,兩人都十分尊重當地葡萄種植和釀酒傳統,採用來自逾百歲老樹的Carignan和Grenache之餘,所有皆是有機耕種,於 2005年推出第一系列的葡萄酒後,迅即成為西班牙葡萄酒的新時尚,而2008年的Ferrer Bobet更成為著名漫畫《神之水滴》的第11使徒。

釀酒前的葡萄也經過雙重檢定,並於較小木桶發酵,再在幼細的法國橡木桶陳年15個月,所以酒質特別絲滑,其中Ferrer Bobet Seleccio Especial特別受注目。今後,他們會繼續以保持葡萄酒的優雅、新鮮、和諧及礦物平衡為目標,釀造更優質的葡萄酒。

西班牙 DOQ Priorat



Carignan老樹 (70%) 、Grenache Noir (30%) 。



2012年 (Robert Parker's rating: 93 points)
年輕,帶有紫羅蘭和桃子的美麗味道,還有淺淺的奶油味和太妃糖味道,相互融合。 隨著時間陳年增長,會產生顯得越來越優雅。口感中等至濃郁,單寧非常細膩,酸度極佳,2012年比2011年涼爽,水果純度高,成熟度高。 質優價廉。

(Robert Parker's rating: 94 points)


2015年 (Robert Parker's rating: 92 points)
2015年Vinyes Velles混合了 67% 的 Cariñena 和 33% 的 Garnacha,它們來自Porrera山坡上 70 多年的老藤,並在法國橡木桶中陳年 15 個月。這次品飲發現到成熟的香氣和一些演化。口感非常細膩,果味比單寧早些減淡。

2016年 (Robert Parker's rating: 94 points)


Ferrer Bobet is all about respect. Respect for the long traditions of vine-growing and wine-making in the Priorat. Respect for the social and economic development of this rocky, mountainous region in the south of Catalonia. The mutual respect of two friends, Sergi Ferrer-Selat and Raul Bobet, both passionate about the world and culture of wine. And respect for wine lovers looking for a Priorat that reflects with purity and harmony the distinctive mineral essence of this land that produced it. 2008 saw the first fruits of a vision that began six years earlier: our first two wines, Ferrer Bobet 2005 and Ferrer Bobet Seleccio Especial 2005, were launched, using grapes from some of the oldest vines in the Priorat. It marks a milestone on an intense and fruitful journey.

DOQ Priorat, Spain

Country of Origin:

Red/Rouge (Still)

Grape Varieties:
Old Carignan (70%) and Grenache Noir (30%).

Grapes from steep slate hillsides and terraces picked by hand into 10kg boxes. Selected berry by berry on a double sorting table and then transferred to tanks by gravity.

Fermentation in 15 and 30 hL wooden tanks. 

Malolactic conversion and aging in new fine-grained, medium and lightly toasted French oak barrels for 15 months. Bottled unfined and unfiltered. Bottle aged for a minimum 11 months.

Tasting Notes:

2012 Vintage (Robert Parker's rating: 93 points):
The 2012 feels very young and primary with beautiful notes of violets and peaches, still showing some puppy fat that needs to be rendered with some time in bottle, as well as some creamy notes and a toffee-like hints that should meld beautifully. They produce elegant results once they have some bottle age. The palate is medium to full-bodied with very fine tannins and great acidity, as 2012 was cooler than 2011, there is great purity of fruit with a perfect degree of ripeness. Quality at affordable prices.

2014年 (Robert Parker's rating: 94 points)
The 2014 Vinyes Velles, which means "old vines" in the Catalan language, is a blend of 70% Cariñena and 30% Garnacha from vines planted on slopes ("costers") and terraces, mostly facing northeast. It fermented in stainless steel and oak vats and aged in French oak barriques for 15 months. It is harmonious, ripe without excess, nuanced and balanced, with power and elegance and nicely integrated oak. It's textured and shows intense flavors, with good depth and a backbone of fresh acidity that lifts it up. It was bottled unfiltered and unfined in April 2016. 25,000 bottles produced.

2015 Vintage (Robert Parker's rating: 92 points):
The old-vine cuvée 2015 Vinyes Velles is a blend of 67% Cariñena and 33% Garnacha from 70+-year-old vines on the slopes of the village of Porrera, and it aged in French oak barrels for 15 months. This is the only wine from this tasting where I found very ripe aromas and some development, showing faintly oxidative. The palate feels quite polished, like the fruit is fading faster than the tannins.

2016 Vintage (Robert Parker's rating: 94 points):
This is showing extremely well, combining power and elegance in a wine that feels concentrated but fresh, with the electric acidity of the vintage. It has floral, berry and herbal aromas and flavors and a supple finish, where the subtle minerality and texture seem to also provide an almost salty finish.

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