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Ferrer Bobet是經典中的經典,被國際專業酒評列入世界最精彩的西班牙酒之一,其頂級限量酒款Reserve Especial 2008亦因爲神之水滴漫畫在推出時瞬間被搶購一空!
Raul Bobet 曾任西班牙 Torres 的總釀酒師 / 葡萄種植師及環球 CEO,而 Ferrer Bobet 則是他的第一個個人計劃。
Ferrer Bobet 就是結合了兩個對世界和葡萄酒文化都有熱情的愛好者。這項目於2002年開始,並於2008年首次推出他們的兩款葡萄酒。他們最初推出的葡萄酒,都是採用了種植在 Priorat 優質葡萄園內過百年樹齡的 Carignan 和 Grenache葡萄,其後推出的 Seleccio Especial 更成為日本著名漫畫《神之水滴(日語:神の雫)》的第 11 門徒。
Raul Bobet was the chief winemaker / oenologist and global CEO of Torres, Spain. This Ferrer Bobet is his first solo project.
Ferrer Bobet is the result of a passion for the world and culture of wine of the two friends, and reflects their commitment to the economic and social development of Priorat. Their project was started in 2002, and in 2008 their first two wines were released. For their initial wines, Ferrer Bobet have used hundred-year-old Carignane and Grenache vines planted on some of the best vineyards in Priorat, and welcome by many wine lovers, their Seleccio Especial even became the 11th apostle in the Japanese comics 'Drops of God (神の雫Kami no Shizuku)'.