Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.


December 19, 2017


 【Ximenez Spinola:非主流,但卻討人喜愛的雪莉經典🥂】


今期Winenow就詳細介紹了以罕見🍇葡萄Pedro Ximenez釀製的Ximénez-Spínola sherry。作為Jerez區唯一以單一PX葡萄釀酒的酒莊,味道絕對只此一家。雖然如此,但味道卻非曲高和寡。不論是甜厚型Ximenez Spinola Perdo Ximenez 2015,以至白酒Exceptional Harvest一樣討人喜愛。紅白酒大家喝多了,試一試Sherry,或許會有新的發現!

#SENS #Senswinecellar #sherry #XimenezSpinola #PedroXimenez #Spanishwine #Jerez

【Ximenez Spinola: Not in the mainstream, but adorable🥂】

Compared to red and white wines, or Cava, another local specialty of Spain🇪🇦️, sherry, is always underestimated by Hong Kong wine lovers. Sherry has not become a mainstream wine in the market yet not because of the drinkers but the fact that it is not an easy task to find a bottle of quality sherry in Hong Kong. Also, the lack of knowledge of sherry also hinders drinkers to try sherry.

The newest edition of Winenow has introduced Ximénez-Spínola. Although it is the only winery in Jerez which uses single variety of🍇 Pedro Ximenez to make wines, its taste not only attracts professional drinkers but also beginners. If you are a dessert lover, Ximenez Spinola Perdo Ximenez 2015 will be your favourite. The white wine, Exceptional Harvest, is also lovely. You must have tried lots of good red and white wines. Let’s get the chance to try some sherry! Maybe you can explore something surprising!

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