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南法 Domaine de l'Hortus Wine Dinner

May 27, 2015


位於Languedoc的Domaine de l’Hortus一直以來很用心釀酒,以打破那種傳統思想。他們的酒細致、典雅,同時他們也出產白酒,對某些朋友來說這實在有點新穎。來自出產Domaine de l’Hortus 葡萄酒的Orliac家族傳人Yves早前到訪香港和SENS WINE CELLAR,參加了一連串活動、推廣、培訓和展覽。

請到 :
重溫葡萄酒晚宴盛況 !
同時請別忘了「讚好」我們的 facebook 專頁 !

Most of you would think, wines from Southern France are mostly direct, expressive and always red. However there are usually exceptions to anything.
Domaine de l’Hortus, located at Languedoc has been very conscious about making wines which do not match the stereotype. Their wines are fine, elegant and some of them are white wines, which maybe new to some of you.
The winemaker from Orliac family who produces Domaine de l’Hortus, Yves Orliac visited Hong Kong and SENS WINE CELLAR for a series of events, promotion, training and exhibition.
Please refer to the following link to experience once again his wine dinner with us :


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