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6月新世界:紐西蘭 | Catalina Sounds帶你衝上雲霄!

June 21, 2017

Catalina Sounds 系列會令你聽到飛機聲!你冇睇錯,就係飛機聲!

Catalina Sounds呢個名源自一架叫Catalina嘅水陸兩用飛機,二戰期間,不斷穿梭南太平洋嘅天際,可惜歲月不饒人,呢隻飛機現時已所剩無幾‧‧‧全靠Catalina Sounds出手贊助,令佢可以繼續翱翔 #Marlborough 峽灣與Waihopai Valley嘅天際!

得意嘅係,佢地出產嘅 #SauvignonBlanc,樸鼻熱帶果香同清新柑橘感覺,真係好似聽到飛機劃破寧靜長空嘅感覺,當頭棒喝。而#PinotNoir喺果香中就滲有叢林感覺!

Catalina Sounds新鮮降落Sens Wine Cellar,快啲一齊品嚐南太平洋風味!

#Senswinecellar #SENS #NewZealandWine

A sip of wines may let you hear the birds singing in the forest or wave hitting the coast. But Catalina Sounds makes you think of the sounds from airplanes! Yes, it’s airplane! The name Catalina Sounds evolved from the majestic Catalina flying boats flying across the South pacific during World War II.

But with the time gone, this plane is stepping into history… fortunately, Catalina Sounds winery decides to sponsor this rare, amphibious flying boat to make sure it can still grace the skies in Marlborough Sounds and Waihopai Valley!

Interestingly, the aroma of tropical fruits and refreshing acidity of citrus from the iconic Sauvignon Blanc will really stun you like a plane plunging through the silent sky. And the feeling of forest can be found in the fruitiness of their Pinot Noir.

Catalina Sounds freshly landed on Sens Wine Cellar! Let’s taste the breeze from the South pacific!

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