Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

Hofex & ProWine Asia 2019

May 08, 2019

好消息🎉 5月7-10日, Raul Bobet 先生會係🍷ProWine Asia 2019 🍷[Hall 3F - Booth No. 810/4] 同大家見面啊!

同一時間, 我地Sens Wine Cellar 都係🎊Hofex 2019🎊 [Hall 5F - Booth No.112] 參展,仲有最後兩日咋, 快啲入場探我地啦😊🎉!

#hofex2019 #hofex #prowineasia #raulbobet
#sens #senswinecellar #exhibition #redwine #whitewine