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包含Batterieberg Cru 80年無接枝老樹混釀 - Weingut Immich-Batterieberg "Escheburg" Riesling 2018 (RP: 92+)


原產地Country of origin:
Enkirch, Mosel, Germany

白葡萄酒White/Blanc (Still)

葡萄品種Grape Varieties:

品酒筆記Tasting Notes:
(Robert Parker's rating: 92+points)
2018年的Riesling Escheburg非常成熟,花香撲鼻。因為這是溫暖的一年,與之前的年份相比,果味特別豐富。結構嚴謹,感覺較年輕,展現出剔透的酸度和質感。風格上有些像阿爾薩斯的Riesling,但它確實由四個特級葡萄園(Grand crus)、未經嫁接的原生葡萄釀造而成。它仍需要數年時間才變得精緻;不過,只要配上合適的食物(芝士是其一),這款果味濃郁、鹹味與礦物感並重的Riesling(酒精度12%),一樣可以有很好的發揮。品飲於2020年4月。(適飲期: 2025-2036)

The 2018 Riesling Escheburg is very ripe and floral on the nose and, due to the warm vintage, significantly warmer and more fruity than in previous vintages. However, the wine is seriously structured on the palate, where the generosity becomes finer and younger, revealing crystalline acidity and texture. This, again, is a bit more Alsatian in character but with the piquancy of predominantly ungrafted vines of four grands crus that make it into the Escheburg. This wine needs some years to gain finesse, but with the right dishes (cheese as well), this fruit-intense, salty-piquant and slatey Riesling with 12% alcohol will perform well today. Tasted in April 2020. (Drink date: 2025-2036)

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