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源自天主教嘉勒修女會的葡萄園,名稱Supperin來自修道院院長Mother Superior而命名,Supperin Gruner Veltliner酒體非常厚,密度高,2013年Wachau冬天極冷,延遲了發芽,夏天到秋天非常炎熱,但也幸有六月的大雨幫忙令泥土有濕潤水份抵受七-八月炎熱天氣,其後九月也伴着適量雨水。Supperin熟於古老的修道院葡萄園,樹齢80年以上,土質爲片麻岩(Gneiss)和礫石(Gravel)能賦予酒充足的礦石岩鹽感,醒酒1-2小時後更發現其内裡乾坤,岩鹽感非常爽脆,從而帶出Gruner Veltliner葡萄圓融的酸度和結構,皮厚的Gruner Veltliner在2013展現極豐盛的黃色水果香,杏桃,蜜瓜,青芒,蘋果等香氣,入口豐厚順滑,柔順的質感會令人一直喝下去的感覺,可口和變化同時並存。多得其土壤和樹齢,我敢説無論任何Vintage也無阻其魅力!
W - Tasted on June 2023
W - Second tasting on April 2024
西式Food Pairing 美食配搭 (Asparagus with Hollandaise Sauce)
來自Wachau的Elisabeth Pichler-Krutzler和來自Burgenland的Erich Krutzler於2006年在Wachau開設了自己的酒莊,兩夫婦都來自著名的釀酒家族(FX Pichler 和Krutzler),他們一起以優質靈魂和個性製作酒品,完全尊重自然和可持續發展的葡萄種植方式。
這些都是Erich Krutzler於九十年代定下來的足跡,當時他為家族在Südburgenland出產出色而有性格的紅酒,這也解釋了為甚麼Burgenland Blaufränkisch會和Riesling 及 Grüner Veltliner同時出現在貨品系列中。
奧地利 Wachau
Grüner Veltliner
單一葡萄園Supperin最早出現於1943年的文獻。位處和緩的山坡,由北面Dürnstein的一道舊城牆,伸延至南面的多瑙河,而周邊的石牆就像是天然的儲熱器。這地理位置,加上風化片麻岩和細礫石沉積物混合而成的特殊土壤,造就了獨特風味的Grüner Veltliner:皮厚,果味豐厚,富有香料味和鹹感,酸度無與倫比。更重要是這兒的葡萄藤樹齡高達80年!
Elisabeth Pichler-Krutzler from the Wachau and Erich Krutzler from the Burgenland founded their own wine estate in the Wachau in 2006. Both husband and wife originated from famous wine-making families. Together, they craft wines of great soul and individuality, based on a respect form nature and sustainable viticultural practice.
All this is a continuation of the path that Erich Krutzler set out on in the 1990s when he helped his family estate produce outstanding and characterful red wines in the Südburgenland. This is why a Burgenland Blaufränkisch finds its place in the range alongside Riesling and Grüner Veltliner.
The Pichler-Krutzler wines are pure, unadulterated and made without compromise to quality. Each wine is the reflection of its own terroir, harvested, raised and bottled without blending. Since there is no chaptalization, no juice concentration, no fining or additives of any sort, all the wines express their origins plain and clear. Just high-grade handcraft without any fancy trends.
Wachau, Austria
Country of Origin:
White/Blanc (Still)
Grape Variety:
Grüner Veltliner
Ried Supperin has been first documented in the year 1493. Gently sloped down from the old city wall of Dürnstein in the north to the river Danube in the south. The framing natural stone walls working as a kind of heat reservoir. This position and the special soil which is a mixture of weathered gneiss and fine gravel sediments, generates a singular expression of Grüner Veltliner: great personality, equipped with matchless acidity. The vines there are up to 80 years old!
Fermentation & Ageing:
Natural yeasts are used for fermentation in big oak casks made of Slovakian oak. Ageing in big oak casks on its second lees. Unfined. One time rough filtration.
Tasting Notes:
Intense yellow-green colour, classy and spicy, fresh lime, and white peach, crushed stone and mineral salts, opening quite slowly, poised and elegant with lots of personality and finishes very well.
Category: Agency Brands, Gruner Veltliner, Pichler-Krutzler, White Wines, Wines from Austria
Type: Wine