Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.


7月 19, 2017

小型酒莊沒有很多的資源,及人力物力,只是憑藉著小團隊的努力,一樣可以做出成績!只用 #Chardonnay 及 #PinotNoir 兩種葡萄🍇釀酒的 #In Dreams,獲得澳洲葡萄酒權威 #JamesHalliday 的垂青,富有熱帶果香又帶杏仁味的2014和15 Chardonnay,以及2013富紅果香味的Pinot Noir,同時獲95高分!而酒莊更獲得五星評級⭐!好酒有好報!小型酒莊的出品往往有驚喜發現!

#SENS #Senswinecellar #Aussiewine #YarraValley #redwine #whitewine #Ninastocker #smallwinery #小酒莊 #好酒有好報 #Melbournewine #newworldwine

Small wineries don’t have many resources. They can only rely on the efforts of the small team to make good results! In Dreams only uses Chardonnay and Pinot Noir🍇 to make wines. Simple is the best. They were appreciated by famous wine critics, James Halliday. The Chardonnay 2014 & 2015 with the tropical fruits flavour, and the nose of nuts, together with the fruity Pinot Noir 2013, score 95 points from James Holiday ! The winery was even given a 5-star ratings! Efforts pay off! Sometimes small wineries can always surprise drinkers!