Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.


6月 29, 2017

最近我地同合作已久嘅#南法 #Languedoc Calmel & Joseph,入左四款新酒,當然黎個Office Wine tasting,一試佢嘅龍與鳳!

第一支試嘅Sparkling, Cremant De Limoux Brut,一落杯🍷,氣泡極幼而大小有緻,最驚喜係聞落去,除左有清脆果香,仲有喺“香檳”常見嘅烘烤麵包🍞味,咁岩有熟客經過,即刻比一杯佢Blind tasting,佢即刻問:「你地又番左新香檳?」我地笑而不語。

Languedoc Blanc 2016,同樣令人驚喜,花香氣息好似入左大草原,仲有杏仁味,試完第一啖,立刻諗起煎魚扒,再飲真啲,又有地中海香料感覺,配烤雞一流!

到左試 #PinotNoir,打開蓋,就聞到好強紅莓,紅果味,入口有強烈果味,但中段又出左啲香料味,非常討好。結果倒完一杯再一杯,比我地清哂成支。有時易飲討好嘅酒,飲到醉都唔知!

至於最後一支Languedoc Rouge 2015,我就諗起烤肉同煙燻肉類,難怪,佢嘅香草香料感覺確實令我難忘。


#Senswinecellar #sens #calmeljoseph #cremant #winetasting #wine #southernfrance #france #wine #newarrival #cheers #newmembers

“Drinking wines are like watching a circus show. Every sip can surprise you😀”

Four new members have just been added to our Calmel & Joseph collections. With no doubt, we immediately had an office wine tasting to take the first sip!

The first bottle we tried was the sparkling wine, Cremant De Limoux Brut. The bubbles were fine and long lasting. More than the aromas of the crispy fruits, this wine surprised us with the toasted bread nose, which is normally found in Champagne! We gave a blind tasting to one of our customers. He took a sip and asked “You’ve got some new Champagnes again? “ Haha, that’s what we thought too.

Languedoc Blanc 2016 also impressed us with its floral nose and the notes of garrigues, as well as the aroma of almonds. After the first sip, I firstly thought of fried white fish. The second sip has the feeling of Mediterranean spices, perfectly for baked chickens!

For the red wines, when we opened the screw cap of the Pinot Noir, the notes of strong raspberries and red berries ran into our noses. In the mouth, at the very first it’s very fruity but brought the taste of spices, very delighting. Sometimes an easy-to-drink wine can easily make people get drunk, as you will drink glass by glass until it’s finished.

The spices’ aromas of Languedoc Rouge 2015 were best partners of barbecued and smoked meat.

After tasting all the four bottles, we looped back to the Cremant, then magic happened! After an hour, the bubbles were still there! And the nose of peach was even stronger! Sometimes drinking wines is like watching a circus show. Every sip can surprise you🥂.

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