Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

Our new VIP area at Tsuen Wan shop

3月 14, 2020

Our new VIP area at Tsuen Wan shop😊

#sens #tsuenwan #wineshop #senswinecellar #vip #viparea #wineandmusic #wineandcoffee #wine #coffee #tastingarea #relax

Also in 新聞


8月 02, 2021

快d上嚟我地Sens Wine荃灣店啦!不論是WeChat Pay、Alipay、Tap&Go抑或八達通,四種方法都得,想點買就點買~

1月 06, 2021

為您烘出專屬咖啡口味 ☕

7月 13, 2020